What’s the Difference Between Bairdi Crab and Snow Crab?

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bairdi and snow crab


If you’re a seafood lover, you’ve likely come across both Bairdi crab and snow crab on restaurant menus or in grocery stores. While to the untrained eye, both species can be clumped as just crabs, they actually have notable differences in terms of flavor, appearance, and more. In this article, we’ll discuss each type and how they differ in terms of various aspects. Let’s begin!

What Are Bairdi Crabs?

Bairdi crabs, scientifically known as Chionoecetes bairdi, are a species of crab found primarily in the North Pacific Ocean. They are often sought after for their tender and flavorful meat. Bairdi crabs are known for their relatively large size compared to other crab species, and they typically inhabit deeper waters.

What Are Snow Crabs?

Snow crabs, or Chionoecetes opilio, are another popular crab species known for their sweet, delicate flavor and flaky meat. They are found in colder waters of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans.

Bairdi Crab vs Snow Crab

We’ve barely scratched the surface when it comes to understanding what Bairdi and snow crabs are, so let’s dive deeper into the differences between these two delicious crustaceans.

Physical Characteristics

Bairdi and snow crabs’ physical appearance differ significantly. Bairdi crabs have a broader, oval-shaped carapace, while snow crabs have a more elongated, pointed shell. The legs of Bairdi crabs are generally thicker and covered in fine hairs, whereas snow crab legs are longer and more slender. But perhaps their biggest difference is in their claws – Bairdi crabs tend to have meatier claws compared to the thinner and more delicate claws of snow crabs. If you’re ever in a seafood market, you can use these characteristics to help identify each type if they’re not clearly labeled.

Habitat and Distribution

Both Bairdi and snow crabs are found in cold, northern waters, but their specific habitats vary. Bairdi crabs tend to inhabit deeper waters, often in the Bering Sea, while snow crabs can be found in both deep and shallower areas of the North Atlantic and North Pacific. This difference in habitat can affect their availability in the market. So if you’re craving Bairdi crabs, you may have to wait for the breeding season or look for sellers that catch them specifically.

Fishing and Management

When it comes to fishing practices, both types of crabs are subject to strict management to ensure sustainable populations. Bairdi crabs are typically harvested using pots or traps, while snow crabs are often caught using trawling methods. Fishing quotas and seasonal restrictions are in place for both species to help protect their populations and maintain a healthy ecosystem. In recent years, concerns about overfishing have led to more rigorous management practices, with fisheries focusing on sustainability to ensure that future generations can enjoy these delicious crabs.

You need to make sure you buy them from sellers who comply with these requirements so you can eat your crabs without worrying about the impact on the environment.


Because Bairdi and snow crabs’ availability and market demand vary, the cost may also go up or down depending on when you’re buying them. Generally, snow crab tends to be more widely available and may be less expensive compared to Bairdi crab, which is often considered a delicacy and can command a higher price.

There are also other factors that affect prices, like location, season, and fishing regulations. Fluctuations are expected, so plan accordingly.  During peak fishing seasons, prices may drop, while off-seasons can see significant increases. It’s also worth noting that Bairdi crabs may be sold in more specialized seafood markets, which can affect pricing.


When it comes to flavor, both Bairdi and snow crabs offer delicious, sweet meat, but there are subtle differences. Bairdi crab is often described as having a more robust and slightly sweeter flavor, while snow crab meat is known for its delicate, flaky texture and milder taste. The preparation method also influences the flavor profile—grilling or steaming can enhance the natural sweetness of both types, while butter sauces or spices can complement their unique tastes. Many seafood enthusiasts appreciate the distinct flavor profiles of each type, making them ideal for different dishes.

Nutritional Value

Both Bairdi and snow crabs are nutritious options, rich in protein and low in fat. They are excellent sources of essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. A 3-ounce serving of cooked crab meat typically contains around 80-100 calories, making it a healthy choice for seafood lovers. While the nutritional values are quite similar, slight variations may exist depending on how each type of crab is prepared and how much of it will be consumed. For instance, fried crab may have higher calories and fat content due to the cooking method, but a grilled crab can have the same calories and fat depending on how big it is.

Cooking Methods

Understanding the best cooking methods for each type of crab can significantly improve your dining experience. Because of their delicate flavor, Bairdi crabs are often best enjoyed steamed or boiled with minimal seasoning. They can be served with melted butter or garlic sauce to complement their sweetness, but nothing too strong. Snow crabs, on the other hand, are versatile and can be steamed, boiled, or grilled. Their long legs make them ideal for cracking and dipping, and many enjoy them served with a side of lemon and butter. Both types of crab can also be used in various recipes, such as crab cakes, pasta dishes, or seafood salads.

Culinary Uses

Both Bairdi and snow crabs have extensive culinary uses. Bairdi crab, with its slightly sweeter taste, is often featured in gourmet dishes, such as crab risotto or crab-stuffed mushrooms. Its meat can also be used in soups and stews, where its flavor can shine through. Snow crab, on the other hand, is a more common and popular choice for crab boils and seafood platters where there’s no need to preserve the delicate flavors. It pairs well with a variety of sauces, making it a favorite at seafood restaurants. Additionally, both crabs can be enjoyed chilled on the half-shell for a refreshing appetizer.

Seasonal Availability

The availability of Bairdi and snow crabs can vary significantly by season. Snow crab season typically runs from late fall to early spring, depending on the specific fishery regulations in place. Bairdi crab, on the other hand, usually has a more limited season, often peaking in late winter to early spring. Knowing the seasonal availability can help you make the best choice when planning your meals, so be mindful of this information on your next shopping trip.

Health Benefits

Both species offer numerous health benefits. They are high in protein, making them an excellent choice for muscle repair and growth. Additionally, crabs are low in calories and saturated fat, which can be beneficial for heart health. The omega-3 fatty acids found in crab can help reduce inflammation and support cardiovascular health. Furthermore, crabs are rich in selenium, which is essential for thyroid function and has antioxidant properties. Including crab in your diet can be a tasty way to boost your overall nutritional intake. As long as you don’t consume an excessive amount of crab meat, you shouldn’t have any health problems.


Bairdi and snow crabs share some similarities, but they still have distinct characteristics that set them apart. But whether you prefer one over the other, you’re always going to end up with a delicious option that you will truly enjoy. Understanding the differences between these two types of crab can help you make informed choices when dining out or shopping for seafood.

So, the next time you find yourself at a seafood market or restaurant, you can confidently choose between Bairdi crab and snow crab, knowing exactly what to expect. So pick one or get both – it doesn’t matter! Because whatever choice you make, you’re always going to end up with a delicious choice.